Fabric Interfacing

What is fabric interfacing?

Fabric interfacing is a type of material that is used to add structure, stability, and durability to fabric. It is typically a non-woven or woven material that is attached to the wrong side of a fabric using heat, adhesive, or stitching.

Interfacing can be used in a variety of sewing projects, including garment construction, bag making, and quilting. It can be used to reinforce areas such as collars, cuffs, and waistbands to make them stiffer and more durable. It can also be used to give fabrics more body, such as making a lightweight cotton fabric suitable for a bag or jacket.

There are different types of interfacing available, each with its own characteristics and suitable uses. Some common types include:

1.Fusible interfacing: This type of interfacing has a heat-activated adhesive on one side that allows it to be bonded to the fabric with the use of an iron.

2. Non-woven interfacing: This type of interfacing is made from synthetic fibers that are bonded together, giving it a stiff, papery feel.

3. Woven interfacing: This type of interfacing is made from woven fabric and can provide more structure and stability to the fabric.

Choosing the right type of interfacing depends on the type of fabric being used and the desired level of structure and stability required. It's important to read the manufacturer's instructions and test a small piece of interfacing on the fabric before starting the project to ensure a successful outcome.

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