Issue While Checking Out

what should I do if I reveive an error message while checking out.

Encountering an error message during the checkout process can be frustrating, but fear not! We're here to guide you through the steps to resolve the issue and successfully complete your purchase. If you receive an error message while checking out, we recommend following these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Verify your information: Double-check that all the information you entered during the checkout process is correct. This includes your shipping address, billing address, and payment details. Pay close attention to any typos or missing information that may be causing the error.
  2. Match billing address: Ensure that the billing address you provided matches the information associated with your credit card or bank account. Inaccurate or mismatched billing addresses can trigger error messages. If you're unsure about the billing address on file with your financial institution, consider contacting your credit card company or bank to confirm the details.
  3. Contact credit card company or bank: If you have confirmed that your billing address matches your credit card or bank information but are still encountering an error, it's advisable to contact your credit card company or bank directly. They can verify if there are any issues on their end that may be preventing the transaction from going through.
  4. Reach out to customer service: If the error persists even after ensuring the accuracy of your information and contacting your credit card company or bank, it's time to seek assistance from our customer service department. You can reach us at 1-855-630-6663 during our business hours, which are Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Standard Time. Our dedicated team will be happy to assist you and help resolve any checkout-related issues.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and address the cause of the error message during the checkout process. Our aim is to provide you with a seamless shopping experience, and we appreciate your patience and cooperation in resolving any unexpected challenges that may arise.

Please note that contacting customer service and providing them with specific details about the error message you received can aid in resolving the issue more efficiently. Additionally, keeping your internet browser and device up to date can help prevent potential technical glitches during the checkout process.

Thank you for choosing our services, and we apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. We value your satisfaction and are committed to ensuring a smooth and hassle-free shopping experience.

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